Years ago, when still in school, I got a letter from a friend who said she could not stop crying because she wanted her baby back. “Baby? What Baby?” I wondered. Then it hit me. She had had an abortion……
“And I could have stopped her,” I realized. Filled with remorse, with guilt, with shame, I hung my head. “I could have saved her. I could have saved her baby. I would not have had an abortion. Why didn’t I help her? What a hypocrite. Where was my love? What kind of friend was I?”
I’ve been active in the pro-life movement every since. Maybe I wasn’t a good friend in my youth, so self conscious and selfish. But I can be a friend to women now. I can be Pro-life now. I can save women from the crime of abortion.
And so can you. If you are hurting, these ministries are trained to help you. In fact many of the women have suffered from the crime of abortion themselves. They know what you are going through. So please reach out to them so they can reach out to you.
(772) 489-9702
1119 Delaware Ave
Fort Pierce, FL
“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” James 1:27