Jennifer Sullivan
Personhood FL recently went to Tallahassee to lobby our FL representatives and senators to defend innocent human life without exception. We petitioned Governor Rick Scott to defund Planned Parenthood in Florida. We educated individuals at the capital on the humanity of the preborn child with our Pillars of Personhood display, and we were able to witness prolife legislation passing committees.
While in Tallahassee, Personhood FL representatives made over 73 legislative contacts. We met with 41 legislators, 18 legislative assistants, and dropped off Personhood FL informational packets at 14 additional offices. Our appointments included democrats and republican representatives. Each office received Personhood FL ProLife PAC’s ProLife Principles which presents a comprehensive prolife position covering not only abortion but also stem cell research, human cloning, RU-486, tax funding of abortions, fetal tissue research, assisted suicide and euthanasia, as well as rape, incest, and life of the mother exceptions. We educated each legislator and assistant we met with on the importance of defending all innocent human life without exception, and we asked legislators to show their commitment to defending life by signing Personhood FL ProLife PAC’s Personhood Affirmation. At least seven legislators signed Personhood Affirmations.
In the week leading up to our trip to Tallahassee, we asked you to sign petitions to ask Governor Rick Scott to defund

Defund Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood. While no state money goes to Planned Parenthood in Florida, Governor Scott’s office through the Department of Health does administer federal money that goes to Planned Parenthood. Personhood FL representatives delivered over 1,150 of your signed petitions to Governor Scott’s office and promised to send more soon. If you haven’t yet signed the Personhood Florida’s Petition to Defund Planned Parenthood, please sign the petition today.
Personhood FL didn’t limit our advocacy to words and literature only, but we also erected the Pillars of Personhood near the old capital step. This display features full color images of humans from their earliest biological beginning to old age. It covers difficult cases such as rape and incest, disabilities, and fetal experimentation. The Pillars of Personhood present an excellent platform to prompt discussion on these important issues even with those who oppose our point of view. Our display was visible to those in attendance at capital and several groups of adults, young people, and children took pictures on the old capital steps with our “A Person for Life” signs in the background. Visit our Personhood FL and Personhood FL ProLife PAC facebook pages to see more pictures.

A Person for Life 2016
Perhaps the most exciting part of our trip was seeing prolife bills passing committees including Personhood FL state board member Representative Charles Van Zant’s Florida for Life act which for the first time in seven years passed the Criminal Justice subcommittee. If this bill passes, it will outlaw all abortions except to save the life of the mother. The life of the mother exception is worded to show the need to protect both the life of the mother and the life of her baby whenever possible. (Read the text of the Florida for Life Act here.)Â If passed, this act would end virtually all abortions in Florida.
We don’t want our influence in Tallahassee to end with our leaving the city. With your help, we can magnify and continue our impact. Please help us reach Florida legislators by doing the following:
1. Pray for God to work on the hearts of Florida senators and representatives and Governor Scott to enjoy and defend life.
2. Call your representative and senator and urge them to defend all innocent human life without exception. (Find your FL Representative here. Find your FL Senator here.
3. Sign Personhood FL’s Petition to Defund Planned Parenthood. We will deliver the additional petitions to Governor Rick Scott’s office as promised.
4. Help Personhood FL continue to educate legislators and voters on the sanctity of human life by making a generous donation today.
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