January 22, 2021, marks the 48th anniversary of the dreadful Roe v Wade decision that has resulted in the slaughter of over 67,000,000 preborn baby girls and boys in America. Many Floridians will take part in the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. There are several events throughout Florida though where prolifers will gather to remember the babies who have been lost and to stand for life. We encourage you to make plans to attend one of these events near you in all Florida Counties including Broward, Duval, Indian River, Orange, Pinellas, Sarasota, St. Johns, and St. Lucie Counties.

All Florida Counties
Sanctity of Human Life Sundays
Dates: Sunday, January 17 and 24, 2021
Location: Your Church
Description: The majority of women who have abortions in America attend church regularly! Moreover, at least 1/3 of the women and men in churches in America have participated in an abortion! Your church needs to hear the truth from God’s word about life, abortion, sin, and forgiveness. Encourage your pastor to preach a prolife sermon Sunday, January 17 and/or 24, 2021.
More Information: Personhood FL Pastor’s Page.
Broward County
Rally for Life
Date: Friday, January 22, 2021
Time: Noon – 1pm
Location: Sidewalk outside the U.S. Federal Courthouse, 299 E Broward Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
More Information: Broward Right to Life, (754) 244-4135.
Duval County
March For Life
Date: Friday, January 22, 2021
Time: Noon – 1:00 PM
Location: U.S. Federal Courthouse, 300 N. Hogan Street, Jacksonville, Florida
Descriptions: We no longer will be able to rely on the White House or Congress once they are sworn into office. More than ever, we need to stand united against abortion and be a voice for the voiceless as we peacefully march around the Federal Courthouse on the sad anniversary of the Roe vs Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion. Speeches will be made after the march at 1:00. Praying to see you there.
More Information: Jacksonville for Life, 904-318-3517.
Indian River County
Sanctity of Human Life – Defend the Unborn
Date: Friday, January 15, 2021
Time: 7 pm
Location: Oceans Unite Christian Centre, 6200 20th St, Suite 248, Vero Beach, FL
Description: The play, “Viable,” is touching and thought-provoking. The plot shares the pain women go through after they have an abortion. Most importantly, it shows that God’s healing is still able to take place! Invite your family and friends and join us for this free event
celebrating Sanctity of Human Life month.
Donations will be accepted.
More Information: https://carenetchampions.org/sanctity-of-human-life-event.
Orange County
A Time of Public Witness, Remembrance, and Prayer
Date: Friday, January 22, 2021
Time: 10 am
Location: Planned Parenthood East,11500 University Blvd, Orlando, FL
Description: Join us on Friday, January 22nd, as we gather together in front of the Planned Parenthood UCF abortuary, for a time of public witness to the atrocities of decriminalized abortion, to pray, & to mourn the loss of those little ones who lost their lives so violently through the horrific act of abortion.
For more information, call 407-230-2557
Pinellas County
1st Annual Tampa Bay March for Life
Date: Saturday, January 23, 2021
Time: 9:30 – 11:15 am
Location: 33 6th St, St Petersburg, FL (in front of the Planned Parenthood)
Description: Join the first annual Tampa Bay March for Life! We will have local clergy and pro-life leaders featured as speakers. We will meet at 33 6th St S in front of the Planned Parenthood and march over to St Petersburg City Hall. Masks and signs will be provided.
Parking: You can park on Central Ave or in the garages downtown or in the lot at 6th St N and 1st Ave N.
More Information: www.FloridaPrebornRescue.com
Sarasota County
23rd Annual Sarasota Prayer Walk for Life
Date: Friday, January 22, 2021
Time: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM
Location: St. Martha Parish, 200 North Orange Avenue, Sarasota, FL
Description: Join Bishop Dewane for the Sarasota Prayer Walk for Life beginning at 8:30 a.m. at St. Martha Catholic Church for Mass. Prayer warriors can take a bus or walk to Planned Parenthood on Central Avenue following Mass for the prayer vigil. All are invited to attend.
More Information: Diocese of Venice
St. Johns County
March for Life Kickoff, St. Augustine
Date: Friday, January 15 and Saturday, January 16, 2021
Time: 6:00 pm
Description: Mass followed by Rosary and Praise and Worship Music
Location: Our Lady of La Leche Church, 101 San Marco Avenue.
March for Life, St. Augustine
Date: Saturday, January 16, 2021
Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Description: Mass with Bishop Felipe Estevez, Praise and Worship, ProLife Speakers including Patricia Sandoval, and a Pro-Life Caravan.
Due to the City of Saint Augustine’s COVID-19 restrictions, we are transitioning from a walking march to a Pro-life Caravan. We encourage you to decorate your vehicle with positive pro-life messages (no graphic photos). We’ll drive through the streets of our Nation’s Oldest City to proclaim our pro-life message.
More Information: March for Life St Augustine
St. Lucie County
11th Annual Treasure Coast March for Life
Date: Saturday, January 23, 2021
Time: Noon – 1:30pm.
Location: Planned Parenthood, 1696 Hillmore Drive, Port St Lucie, FL 34952
Description: Join other pro-lifers in the 11th annual March/Rally sponsored by Sanctity of Human Life (SOHL) of the Treasure Coast. Meet at Planned Parenthood in Port St. Lucie at Noon. Local pro-life leaders and local clergy will speak. ProLifers will then march from Planned Parenthood to US 1 (5 minutes).
Participants are encouraged to bring signs representing their church. Some pro-life signs will be available on a first-come basis. Anyone wishing to sit should bring their own lawn chair.
The event will be Live Streamed at https://www.facebook.com/TreasureCoastMarchforLife.
More Information: Sanctity of Human Life of the Treasure Coast
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