Today, Personhood Florida representatives are in Tallahassee encouraging Florida legislators to protect all innocent human life, without exception. We will meet with FL Senators, Representatives, and their legislative aides. We have 45 appointments and counting! You can help Personhood Florida make an impact on these legislators even from home. Consider helping us in one or …
Category: Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia
Dec 30
Imagine a ProLife Movement that Never Attempts to Abolish Abortion and Protect Every Innocent Human Life!
Imagine a movement whose stated goal is to abolish abortion and protect every innocent human life, yet also imagine that this same movement never tries to abolish abortion much less protect every innocent human life! How reasonable is it to think that we will ever accomplish a goal that we never even attempt to accomplish?
Dec 03
Double the Impact for Life with Your Donation to Personhood FL Today!
Double the Impact for Life by Making a Donation to Personhood FL Education Today! (Facebook is matching 7 million dollars of donations on Giving Tuesday, December 3, 2019. Matching donations are on a first-come, first-serve basis, so donate early!)Visit our Facebook Page to make a donation today! If you aren’t on Facebook, you can make …
Jan 22
Today We Remember the Blood of Over 65 Million Preborn Girls and Boys
Today we remember the blood of over 65 million preborn girls and boys that have been slain on the altar of convenience. It is time that we end the shedding of innocent blood and establish legal protection for all from fertilization to natural death. Please join Personhood FL in defending all innocent human life, without …
Jan 12
Help Personhood FL Promote Sanctity of Life Events in Your Area
Do you know of an upcoming prolife event in your area? Personhood FL would like to help promote prolife events in your area, but first we need to know about your event. Please provide us the information by filling out this form to have your prolife event listed on Personhood FL’s website. Personhood FL will provide this …