Category: ProLife

We Will Reform Florida and America! Will You Help? Register Today!

ProLife Personhood Petitioning Vero Beach Prayer Breakfast

We are on a campaign for the next 2 months that will reform Florida and America as we renew our covenant with the Lord. As our Floridian Founding Fathers said in the preamble of our Constitution,

“We, the people of the State of Florida, being grateful to Almighty God for our constitutional liberty, in order to secure its benefits … do ordain and establish this constitution… All natural persons, female and male alike, are equal before the law and have inalienable rights, among which are the right to enjoy and defend life.”

As Floridians, we want to restore this state to that covenant by ending abortion through a constitutional amendment called the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment. This amendment will define the pre-born, elderly, and disabled as persons. Persons already have the right to life recognized by our state and federal constitutions.

This initiative will restore the mantle of cultural reformation and healing to pastors as they share the revelation of personhood to their congregations: that we are made in the image of God, and thus, every life is precious and should be protected. People who have had abortions are receiving healing

Happy Thanksgiving from Personhood Florida

ProLife Personhood Petitioning Vero Beach Prayer Breakfast

This is the time of year when we pause to give thanks to God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us. Let us rejoice that our mothers chose life! God has given us the opportunity to live and the responsibility to work so that all may live free!

When I think about what Personhood Florida has been able to accomplish in the past year, I thank God! In the past two years:

We have developed connections with prolife people across the

We will not give up! We Will End Abortion! Will You Help?

Yes on 26 Life Begins as Fertilization Amendment

With the loss of Mississippi’s Initiative 26, many in the prolife movement and the media have asked what is our strategy here in Florida. They are quick to point out that Mississippi is more prolife than Florida and ask how we think we can win if a similar initiative can’t even pass in Mississippi.
The good news is that leading up to and following the Mississippi vote, Personhood FL has linked up with new volunteers who are willing to help make the case for life in their county! We currently are working on a plan to

ProLife Personhood Amendment is on the Move in Florida

As our Floridian Founding Fathers said in the preamble of our Constitution,

“We, the people of the State of Florida, being grateful to Almighty God for our constitutional liberty, in order to secure its benefits, …. do ordain and establish this constitution…. All natural persons, female and male alike, are equal before the law and have inalienable rights, among which are the right to enjoy and defend life…”
As Floridians, we want to restore this state to that covenant by ending abortion through a Constitutional Amendment called Personhood. This defines the pre-born, the elderly and the disabled as persons so that their lives are protected by love and by law. We are asking every church, every pastor to petition for personhood on January 22, 2012, the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Will you join us and help us get the word out? We have specific strategy and we need Christians to pray.

Will You Help Personhood Florida Reach Every Pastor, Every Church In Your County for Life?

March For Life Personhood NOW! Banner

Last week, I wrote that we need to take the prolife personhood message to every region, every county, every city, every church, every pastor. This week, I go over the results from last weeks poll on how many pastors have ever heard of prolife personhood amendments and compare them with the actual findings we discovered at a recent pastors meeting, and I’ll lay out a plan to reach every church, every pastor in the state of Florida for Life.

In last week’s poll, we asked you what percentage of Florida pastors have ever heard about the prolife personhood amendment. Most of the respondents answered that only 21 – 30% or 11 – 20% of the pastors had ever heard of personhood. My dad and I along with Jay Rogers recently attended a large gathering of prolife, politically motivated pastors, and we found that the percentage is even lower! The bad news is that less than 10% of the attendees knew about personhood prior to learning about it from us, and this coming from a group of pastors that is most likely to have heard of personhood. The good news is that every pastor we approached signed the personhood petition and agreed to petition in their church! One pastor asked us: “Why haven’t I heard of personhood before?” The answer is simple: we haven’t told him!

Every Region, Every County, Every City, Every Church, Every Pastor for Life!

I have a dream that one day all innocent human life will be protected by love and by law in Florida. For this to happen, we need to make the case for life in every region, every county, every city, and every church. Indeed, we need every pastor in the state of Florida to present the prolife, personhood petition to their church.

I recently attended a large pastors meeting in Orlando with my dad. Jay Rogers joined me to help present the prolife, personhood amendment to Florida pastors. You would be surprised at what we found!

Poll: What Percentage of Florida Pastors Have Ever Heard of the ProLife, Personhood Amendment?

I recently attended a large pastors’ meeting in Orlando with my dad. Central Florida Co-Chair Jay Rogers joined me to help present the prolife personhood amendment to Florida pastors. We met pastors from all over the state. The pastors all received the petition with open arms. Those who hadn’t previously signed the petition singed it at the conference and took additional copies to pass out to have their congregations sign the petition! Our poll question for this week is: what percentage of Florida Pastors have ever heard of the prolife personhood amendment?

Alan Keyes on Personhood at Colorado Right to Life

Alan Keyes explains why personhood is so important, from a Biblical and historical perspective. Enjoy! Alan Keyes on Personhood at RTL Colorado

Petitioning Opportunity at the Florida Presidency 5 Straw Poll

The Florida Presidency 5 Straw Poll Will be held Saturday September 24 and will be attended by 3,000 Republican delegates from across Florida in addition to guests. This will present an excellent opportunity to collect signatures for the Personhood FL Petition. (Note: only registered parties will be able to enter the events.)

Personhood FL is non-partisan and does not endorse specific candidates and/or political parties. We encourage all Candidates for all offices to endorse and sign the FL Personhood Amendment which will end abortion and protect all innocent human life, and we encourage all political parties to endorse the personhood amendment.

Personhood Petitioning @ Fox News Republican Presidency 5 Presidential Debate

Presidency 5 Fox News Republican Presidential Debate

The Fox News Presidency 5 Republican Presidential Debate will be attended by thousands of Floridians from across the state. This presents an excellent opportunity to collect signatures for the Florida Personhood Amendment. Prolife petitioners can petition debate attendees arriving to and departing from the debate.

Personhood FL is non-partisan and does not endorse specific candidates and/or political parties. We encourage all Candidates for all offices to endorse and sign the FL Personhood Amendment which will end abortion and protect all innocent human life, and we encourage all political parties to endorse the personhood amendment.