Category: Voter Fraud

We Need You to Help Voters Vote Their Values!

In 2020, we will elect candidates for everything from congressmen and senators to county commissioners and city council members. The problem is that many times voters don’t know where the candidates stand on important issues such as life, marriage, family, and religious freedom. Consequently, voters vote for candidates who don’t share their values. Shouldn’t voters …

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Don’t Let Them Steal This Election! Sign the Petition to Accurately Count Votes!

Hanging Chads Ballot

I’m sure you’ve heard of the shenanigans that seem to be going on in south Florida supervisor of elections offices. The number of votes that separate US Senate candidate, Governor Rick Scott from US Senator Bill Nelson went from 57,000 votes the night of the election to 38,000 the next morning before going down to 15,000. …

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