Petition script for petitioning in your church:
Would you like to sign a prolife petition?
As they come forward, ask them, Are you a Florida registered voter?
If they say YES say: Will you sign a petition to get a prolife amendment on the ballot?
If there is time…more details:
This is a Constitution Amendment petition that will define the pre-born, the elderly, and the disabled as persons so they have the right to life. Signing this petition will help us to get the Personhood amendment on the ballot for 2022 so Florida voters can decide on whether they want abortion legal in the state of Florida. Personhood FL is a people’s initiative to amend the Constitution of Florida, and is refreshingly non-partisan. Our goal is to collect 891,589 valid petition signatures from registered Floridian voters. This will enable Florida voters the right to vote in the General Election of 2022 for the Personhood Amendment so that all Floridians are protected from the moment of biological beginning to natural death.
Have the “Volunteer Form” on a separate clipboard so you can connect with any petition signer that is interested in volunteering. This way you can establish a relationship with them later and still keep getting signatures.
As people sign the petition, make sure they write clearly and that they fill out every blank properly, especially the blank for the zip code. “Paid Petition Circulator’s Name” is only to be filled out if you are getting paid to distribute and collect petitions.
Please watch the petitioning videos at the bottom of the Get Involved page.
Thank you, again, for your support for Personhood Florida
“…to Enjoy and Defend LIFE….”
Christopher Bradley
Director, Personhood FL PAC
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