Thank you for signing Personhood FL’s Petition to Halt All Abortions in Florida. Personhood FL will deliver your petition to Governor Desantis. Please pray that God would use the petitions we collect to encourage Governor Desantis to Halt All Abortions in Florida!

Personhood FL has been on the front line of the pro-life movement in Florida since 2009. We’re a grassroots organization working hard to establish the right to life for all persons from the preborn to the elderly and disabled in the state of Florida.
Our primary goal is to amend the Florida Constitution through the citizens’ initiative process so that “The God-given right to life of every human being at any stage of development shall be recognized and protected.”
In addition, we’re working hard to change the hearts and minds of Floridians by educating citizens and Christians, as well as diligently vetting and supporting pro-life candidates during every election cycle.
Please join Personhood FL in defending all innocent human life, without exception by volunteering and by making a generous donation today.
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