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Pennie Richwine shares her heart on PersonhoodFL

Pennie, the director of Open Door House of Prayer shares the responsibility we have to share Truth with those in crisis pregnancies that abortion is murder. She urges support of Personhood to protect the pre-born and their mothers by love and by law.

Pastor Jason urges support of PersonhoodFL

Pastor Jason shares the opportunity of PersonhoodFL to come together and classify the unborn as persons to save lives and our culture and really make a difference.

Pastor Jeff Steffel shares with pastors about Personhood

Jeff Steffel urges pastors and leaders to be intentional about searching the scripture for the heart of God on abortion to be able to bring healing to their hurting congregations. Jer 22:16 says about the king, “He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. Is that not what it means to know me?” declares the LORD.

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Petitioning Conference Call

Personhood Florida Logo Small

January 22 marks the anniversary of Roe v Wade. ProLifers throughout the state will remember the over 50,000,000 preborn children murdered by abortion in the US since that dreadful decision. Prolifers will participate in March for Life events and Prayer Vigils and pastors will preach Sanctity of Human Life sermons. Personhood Florida is planning a big push to gather personhood petitions in churches and at prolife events across Florida in January. During the conference call, we’ll present the plan and provide training on how you can help promote the personhood amendment in your church, city, and/or region.

Port Saint Lucie Pastor Nelson speaks on Personhood

Another bold and courageous pastor encourages us to get involved.

Bring the message of LIFE to the polls

The time is now, Jeremiah 1:5 (New Living Translation)

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb.
Before you were born I set you apart
and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”

The Case for LIFE for High School and College Students

FREE Event with
Author Scott Klusendorf
President, Life Training Institute

We will never forget 911!

We will never forget what happened September 11, 2001. On that day, one’s political party, race, or church didn’t matter. We joined together and cried out for our country that we love so dearly. We joined hands with strangers and cried to God for mercy. The whole world stopped: yes, even our enemies prayed for America. We had taken God out of America, yet 911 put God back into America … for one week! How quickly we went back to our lives forgetting the God who made this country great because

PersonhoodFL Interviews Local Candidates

PersonhoodFL team interviews candidates at local Meet & Greet. Any candidates wanting to endorse PersonhoodFL, send your endorsement to:

Personhood FL Action Team hits 12th & Delaware

The Corner of 12th&Delaware has the only abortion chamber in 5 counties. It is in a black neighborhood. Did you know that more black babies are murdered by abortion every four days than our black brothers and sisters were ever murdered by the Ku Klux Klan? It is time to end Black Genocide. Down load the petition and have all your friends sign it- mail it to the address at the bottom. Let’s “Defend LIFE”!