Have you ever wondered where candidates in your county stand on the values you hold dear? Have you wondered which candidates support and oppose abortion, which candidates support or oppose boys going into girls bathrooms and showers at school, which candidates support or oppose homosexual marriage, which candidates support or oppose graphic sex education, etc? …
After Roe: A New Wave of Support to Protect Every Innocent Human Life!
Personhood Florida, Protect Human Life Florida, the Florida Baptist Convention, Women Impacting the Nation, and dozens of biblically based sanctity of life organizations, prolife pregnancy centers, churches, and leaders have teamed up to promote the Human Life Protection Amendment!
This is a state constitutional amendment initiative recognizing the God-given right to life of the preborn individual. It defines by law a “preborn individual” as a human person at any stage of development. The amendment would recognize and protect all innocent preborn human life from conception and is the only active pro-life citizen initiative currently registered with the Florida Division of Elections. Download, print, and sign the amendment today!
In the past, Personhood Florida sponsored the Personhood Amendment in our state. Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade according to the Dobbs decision on June 24th, 2022, there has been a new wave of support for a citizen-led initiative to abolish abortion in our state. We have now joined in Christian unity with several organizations to push for a state constitutional amendment to protect all preborn human life without exception. We are excited that our dream of seeing these precious children protected by love and by law is that much closer to becoming a reality!
Why a state constitutional amendment?
Currently, under Florida law there are dozens of state regulations allowing abortion. These are under Chapter 390 “Termination of Pregnancies.” These state statutes allow different types of abortion. The exceptions and regulations go on for pages and pages.
Prior to Roe v. Wade, the only exception for abortion in the state of Florida was a life threatening situation for the mother. Ironically, if no compromised laws had been passed, under the recent Dobbs decision that overturned Roe, Florida could have quickly returned to being essentially an abortion free state.
However, we can undo years of evil, compromised laws with one amendment. The collaborative language of this proposed amendment states that “all laws, judicial precedents, and acts contrary to this section shall be null, void, and deemed repealed to the extent of any conflict with this section.”
If this amendment were to be approved by Florida voters, no state law and no Florida Supreme Court decision, past, present, or future, would be able to supersede the constitutional recognition and legal protection of the right to life of a preborn child!
Rather than leave it to our legislature to write more laws regulating abortion, we the people of the state of Florida, can end the killing of the preborn with one amendment!
We cannot fail unless we fail to try!
Personhood amendments have been voted on five times in three states in the past decade – Colorado, Mississippi and North Dakota. Although several of the votes were close, no state won the majority needed to amend their state constitution. However, this was not a failure.
One positive result was in changing the terms of the abortion debate. Rather than centering on a woman’s right to choose and opting for the regulation of abortion, the conversation in these states has shifted to recognizing the Personhood of the preborn child.
Further, in every state where Personhood amendments were tried, more people got involved with efforts to protect the preborn. Crisis pregnancy counseling grew more than ever before, more people got involved on the grassroots level, solid, prolife candidates were elected to office, and abortion rates went down in every state.
We even began to see major political candidates switch to a “no exceptions” stance on ending the gruesome practice of child sacrifice. The focus has switched from that of a secular women’s rights issue to the unabashed biblical truth that these are little baby girls and boys made in the image of God.
Further, the effect was nationwide! Many states near to the places where state Personhood amendments were tried now have total or near-total abortion bans. These states include Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and West Virginia.
We recognize that some of these laws are not 100 percent perfect, but several states no longer have operating abortion mills and more states are expected to abolish abortion in the near future.
There is no doubt that the paradigm has shifted from “pro-life with exceptions” to “restoring the personhood of preborn children without exception!”
We will not stop until every preborn child is protected!
Yes, it will be difficult to get on the ballot in Florida, and Florida is one of only three states in the nation to require a 60 percent or higher supermajority for voter approval of a constitutional amendment. This is an extremely high bar. We would initially need to get close to a million valid signatures to qualify for ballot placement. However, we believe that Florida is a forerunner state. What happens here affects the rest of the nation. Even a near miss in Florida at under 60 percent of the vote would embolden other states where the threshold is lower to pass Personhood amendments to their state constitutions.
If we try and don’t give up, we trust that eventually God will give us the victory in Florida as well!
We need to work hard to raise the finances, expand our networks, and continue to increase our grassroots support to win. Passing a state constitutional amendment by a citizen initiative, while a difficult process, can be done.
Yes, it will be a hard battle, but we cannot fail to try!
One positive statistic is that in the entire history of citizen initiatives in the state of Florida, the 44 initiatives that gained ballot access with a grassroots signature effort (those not placed on the ballot by the state legislature or the constitutional revision committee) have been well received by Florida voters. The success rate once on the ballot is 77 percent, with 34 of them having been approved to date. As we go out into the streets, we are stirring lively discussion, changing minds, and winning hearts. We have also seen many people choose life for their preborn children and profess Christ as their Lord and Savior. As we live out a faithful witness, we do not believe we can fail.
Now is the time to go on the offense!
We cannot spend our time on defense trying to keep the abortion industry from expanding in our state. And believe me they are! But we are God’s people who are called to run to the battle! We will need every bit of time, energy, focus, and financial resources to mount a serious effort to protect all preborn human life.
Won’t you join with us to protect the preborn in the state of Florida?
You can volunteer as a petitioner, give financial support, download, print, and sign the amendment petition today, connect us with like-minded friends and family, help us spread news of this citizen-led initiative across the state, and join with us in prayer that God will move on the hearts and minds of Floridians to protect every innocent human life, without exception!
As surrounding states move to protect innocent human life, sadly, Florida is quickly becoming an abortion vacation state! Women are taking time off of work and school and traveling to Florida to pay an abortionist to rip their preborn babies limb from limb, and the compromised “pro-life” laws that some tout aren’t stopping the abortionists from doing so! We cannot stand idly by and continue to let this happen! We are the Church! We must push back the gates of Hell until every innocent human being is protected!
Download, print, and sign the amendment today! And Help Personhood FL defend every innocent human life, without exception by volunteering and by making a generous donation today.
Don’t Miss these 2023 Sanctity of Human Life Events
January 22, 2023, marks the 50th anniversary of the dreadful Roe v Wade decision. We rejoice that Roe v Wade is no more but realize that more babies are dying by abortion in the state of Florida than ever before! Floridians need to rise up to be a voice for the voiceless. We need to defend the preborn!
Many Floridians will take part in the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. There are several events throughout Florida though where prolifers will gather to remember the babies who have been lost and to stand for life. We encourage you to make plans to attend one of these events near you in all Florida Counties including Indian River, Orange, Pinellas, St. Johns, and St. Lucie Counties.
Did We Miss an Event?
Did we miss an event? Fill out this form today to help Personhood FL promote your prolife event.
All Florida Counties
Sanctity of Human Life Sundays
Dates: Sunday, January 15 and 22, 2023
Location: Your Church
Description: The majority of women who have abortions in America attend church regularly! Moreover, at least 1/3 of the women and men in churches in America have participated in an abortion! Women and men in your church needs to hear the truth from God’s word about life, abortion, sin, and forgiveness! Encourage your pastor to preach a prolife sermon Sunday, January 15 and/or 22, 2023.
Additionally, collect petitions for the new Human Life Protection Amendment to help abolish abortion in the state of Florida.
More Information: Personhood FL Pastor’s Page.
Indian River County
4th Annual Sanctity of Human Life Event
Date: Friday, January 20, 2023
Time: 7 pm
Location: Oceans Unite Christian Centre, 6200 20th St, Suite 248, Vero Beach, FL
Description: Video showing of Kayleigh McEnany, former White House Press Secretary, speaking at Care Net’s Fall Fundraiser.
Donations will be accepted.
More Information: https://carenetchampions.org/sohl.
Orange County
A Time of Public Witness, Prayer, & Remembrance for the innocent babes slain by the act of abortion!
Date: Sunday, January 2s, 2023
Time: 8=1:30 – 3:00 pm
Location: At the intersection of Bumby Ave. and Colonial Dr., Orlando
Description: Since January 22, 1973, 50 Years…. Over 63 million lives have been killed through abortion! Roe v Wade may have been overturned, but the battle is not over! The same rights that you and I have; the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, we cry out for these precious little ones.
Pinellas County
3rd Annual Tampa Bay March for Life
Date: Saturday, January 21, 2023
Time: 8:30 – 11:00 am
Location: Gather at the north side of Pioneer Park *Central Avenue between Beach and Bayshore. We will then march to City Hall at 175 5th St
Description: Join the first annual Tampa Bay March for Life! We will have local clergy and pro-life leaders featured as speakers. We will meet at 33 6th St S in front of the Planned Parenthood and march over to St Petersburg City Hall. Masks and signs will be provided.
Parking: You can park on Central Ave or in the garages downtown or in the lot at 6th St N and 1st Ave N.
More Information: www.FloridaPrebornRescue.com
St. Johns County
March for Life Kickoff, St. Augustine
Date: Friday, January 13, 2023
Time: 2:00 – 9:00 pm
Description: Collegiate Leadership Training, Adoration and Praise, the Living Rosary, and Praise and Worship Concert.
Location: Our Lady of La Leche Church, 101 San Marco Avenue.
March for Life, St. Augustine
Date: Saturday, January 14, 2023
Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Description: Mass with Bishop Eric Pohlmeier, March for Life, and Spaghetti Dinner.
Location: Our Lady of La Leche Church, 101 San Marco Avenue.
More Information: March for Life St Augustine
St. Lucie County
13th Annual Treasure Coast March for Life
Date: Saturday, January 14, 2023
Time: 1:00 – 3:30 pm.
Location: Birthline/Lifeline: 1119 Delaware Ave. Fort Pierce, FL.
Description: Join other pro-lifers in the 13th annual March/Rally sponsored by Sanctity of Human Life (SOHL) of the Treasure Coast. Meet at Birthline/Lifeline at 1 pm. Local pro-life leaders and local clergy will speak. ProLifers will then march to Fort Pierce City Hall and participate in a life chain.
Commemorative Butterfly Release
The butterflies will represent babies who have lost their lives to abortion. Participants can purchase butterflies to release for $10 each. The Butterfly Release will represent the souls of these babies flying up to heaven.
Some pro-life signs will be available on a first-come basis. Anyone wishing to sit should bring their own lawn chair.
The event will be Live Streamed at https://www.facebook.com/TreasureCoastMarchforLife.
More Information: Sanctity of Human Life of the Treasure Coast
Did We Miss an Event?
Did we miss an event? Fill out this form today to help Personhood FL promote your prolife event.
Help Personhood FL defend all innocent human life, without exception by volunteering and by making a generous donation today.
Supreme Court Overturns Roe v Wade, 50 Years and 66 Million Babies Too Late!
The US Supreme Court just released their opinion in the Dobbs case and overturned Roe v Wade. Roe v Wade is now history.
Sadly, today’s decision is 50 years too late for the 66,000,000 preborn babies that have been killed by abortion and will not ensure the legal protection of every innocent human life! The decision released today will only end abortion in the few states that have previously passed trigger laws and the few states that still have pre-Roe laws on the books that outlaw abortion. Sadly, Florida is not one of those states.
In Florida, abortion will continue as usual. In fact, The Center for Reproductive Rights lists Florida as a state where a woman’s “right” to abortion is protected! Abortionists killed nearly 80,000 babies in Florida last year, and unless Governor Desantis and the FL legislature act fast, we will likely see even more babies killed this year! Sign our petition below to ask Governor Desantis to Call a special session to abolish abortion in the state of Florida.
Petition to Call for a Special Session to Abolish Abortions
Dear Governor DeSantis,
Prior to the Dobbs decision, some states took steps to pass legislation to abolish abortion in the even Roe v Wade was overturned. Sadly, Florida was not one of those states. In fact, the Center for Reproductive Rights lists Florida as a state where a woman's "right" to abortion is protected.
As a citizen of the state of Florida, I urge you to call for a special legislative session to abolish all abortions in Florida, without exception! Please urge the legislature to pass the Florida Personhood Act which will protect every innocent human life! Governor DeSantis, your legacy is at stake. We will not forget!
Call for a special legislative session to abolish abortion by passing the Florida Personhood Act today!
(The phone numbers and email addresses of petition signers will not be shared with Governor DeSantis or his office.)
At Personhood FL, we are working to restore the value of every innocent human life, including preborn children, the elderly, and the disabled. Please join Personhood Florida in defending every innocent human life, without exception by signing and collecting signatures for our constitutional amendment petition, volunteering, and making a generous donation today.
Don’t Miss these 2021 Sanctity of Human Life Events
January 22, 2021, marks the 48th anniversary of the dreadful Roe v Wade decision that has resulted in the slaughter of over 67,000,000 preborn baby girls and boys in America. Many Floridians will take part in the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. There are several events throughout Florida though where prolifers will gather to remember the babies who have been lost and to stand for life. We encourage you to make plans to attend one of these events near you in all Florida Counties including Broward, Duval, Indian River, Orange, Pinellas, Sarasota, St. Johns, and St. Lucie Counties.
All Florida Counties
Sanctity of Human Life Sundays
Dates: Sunday, January 17 and 24, 2021
Location: Your Church
Description: The majority of women who have abortions in America attend church regularly! Moreover, at least 1/3 of the women and men in churches in America have participated in an abortion! Your church needs to hear the truth from God’s word about life, abortion, sin, and forgiveness. Encourage your pastor to preach a prolife sermon Sunday, January 17 and/or 24, 2021.
More Information: Personhood FL Pastor’s Page.
Broward County
Rally for Life
Date: Friday, January 22, 2021
Time: Noon – 1pm
Location: Sidewalk outside the U.S. Federal Courthouse, 299 E Broward Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
More Information: Broward Right to Life, (754) 244-4135.
Duval County
March For Life
Date: Friday, January 22, 2021
Time: Noon – 1:00 PM
Location: U.S. Federal Courthouse, 300 N. Hogan Street, Jacksonville, Florida
Descriptions: We no longer will be able to rely on the White House or Congress once they are sworn into office. More than ever, we need to stand united against abortion and be a voice for the voiceless as we peacefully march around the Federal Courthouse on the sad anniversary of the Roe vs Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion. Speeches will be made after the march at 1:00. Praying to see you there.
More Information: Jacksonville for Life, 904-318-3517.
Indian River County
Sanctity of Human Life – Defend the Unborn
Date: Friday, January 15, 2021
Time: 7 pm
Location: Oceans Unite Christian Centre, 6200 20th St, Suite 248, Vero Beach, FL
Description: The play, “Viable,” is touching and thought-provoking. The plot shares the pain women go through after they have an abortion. Most importantly, it shows that God’s healing is still able to take place! Invite your family and friends and join us for this free event
celebrating Sanctity of Human Life month.
Donations will be accepted.
More Information: https://carenetchampions.org/sanctity-of-human-life-event.
Orange County
A Time of Public Witness, Remembrance, and Prayer
Date: Friday, January 22, 2021
Time: 10 am
Location: Planned Parenthood East,11500 University Blvd, Orlando, FL
Description: Join us on Friday, January 22nd, as we gather together in front of the Planned Parenthood UCF abortuary, for a time of public witness to the atrocities of decriminalized abortion, to pray, & to mourn the loss of those little ones who lost their lives so violently through the horrific act of abortion.
For more information, call 407-230-2557
Pinellas County
1st Annual Tampa Bay March for Life
Date: Saturday, January 23, 2021
Time: 9:30 – 11:15 am
Location: 33 6th St, St Petersburg, FL (in front of the Planned Parenthood)
Description: Join the first annual Tampa Bay March for Life! We will have local clergy and pro-life leaders featured as speakers. We will meet at 33 6th St S in front of the Planned Parenthood and march over to St Petersburg City Hall. Masks and signs will be provided.
Parking: You can park on Central Ave or in the garages downtown or in the lot at 6th St N and 1st Ave N.
More Information: www.FloridaPrebornRescue.com
Sarasota County
23rd Annual Sarasota Prayer Walk for Life
Date: Friday, January 22, 2021
Time: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM
Location: St. Martha Parish, 200 North Orange Avenue, Sarasota, FL
Description: Join Bishop Dewane for the Sarasota Prayer Walk for Life beginning at 8:30 a.m. at St. Martha Catholic Church for Mass. Prayer warriors can take a bus or walk to Planned Parenthood on Central Avenue following Mass for the prayer vigil. All are invited to attend.
More Information: Diocese of Venice
St. Johns County
March for Life Kickoff, St. Augustine
Date: Friday, January 15 and Saturday, January 16, 2021
Time: 6:00 pm
Description: Mass followed by Rosary and Praise and Worship Music
Location: Our Lady of La Leche Church, 101 San Marco Avenue.
March for Life, St. Augustine
Date: Saturday, January 16, 2021
Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Description: Mass with Bishop Felipe Estevez, Praise and Worship, ProLife Speakers including Patricia Sandoval, and a Pro-Life Caravan.
Due to the City of Saint Augustine’s COVID-19 restrictions, we are transitioning from a walking march to a Pro-life Caravan. We encourage you to decorate your vehicle with positive pro-life messages (no graphic photos). We’ll drive through the streets of our Nation’s Oldest City to proclaim our pro-life message.
More Information: March for Life St Augustine
St. Lucie County
11th Annual Treasure Coast March for Life
Date: Saturday, January 23, 2021
Time: Noon – 1:30pm.
Location: Planned Parenthood, 1696 Hillmore Drive, Port St Lucie, FL 34952
Description: Join other pro-lifers in the 11th annual March/Rally sponsored by Sanctity of Human Life (SOHL) of the Treasure Coast. Meet at Planned Parenthood in Port St. Lucie at Noon. Local pro-life leaders and local clergy will speak. ProLifers will then march from Planned Parenthood to US 1 (5 minutes).
Participants are encouraged to bring signs representing their church. Some pro-life signs will be available on a first-come basis. Anyone wishing to sit should bring their own lawn chair.
The event will be Live Streamed at https://www.facebook.com/TreasureCoastMarchforLife.
More Information: Sanctity of Human Life of the Treasure Coast
Did We Miss an Event?
Did we miss an event? Fill out this form today to help Personhood FL promote your prolife event.
Help Personhood FL defend all innocent human life, without exception by volunteering and by making a generous donation today.
May 29
Tonight: Learn How to Help Voters in Your County Vote Their Values
- By Pastor Bryan Longworth in Abortion, Abortion Pill, Abstinence, Adoption, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, Black Genocide, Broward, Children's Services Council, City Council, Cloning, Conference Call, County Commission, Defund Planned Parenthood, Duval County, Events, Family, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Fetal Tissue Research, FL House, FL Senate, Florida, Government, Governor, Graphic Sex Ed, Hillsborough County, Human Trafficking, Incest, Issues, Lake County, Marriage, Medical Marijuana, News, Orange County, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Personhood Petition, Pinellas County, Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood Funding, Poverty, Prayer, ProLife, Rape, Reformation, Repentance, Revival, RU-486, Saint Lucie County, School Board, Selling Baby Parts, Statutory Rape Cover Up, Sumter County, Tax Funding, United States of America, US Congress, US House, US Senate, Voting
- abortion, Abstinence, Adult Business, AIDS, Babies, Bathroom Bill, Bryan Longworth, Candidate, Candidates, City, City Council, City Council Member, Common Core, Condom, Condom Distribution, Conference Call, Conservative, County, County Commission, County Commissioner, County Voter Guide, Cross, Cross Dessing, Cross Dress, Distribute Voter Guide, Elect, Family, FL, FL Votes Values, Florida, Florida Family Policy Council, Florida Votes Values, FLVotesValues.com, Gay Rights, General Election, Graphic Sex Ed, Graphic Sex Education, Health Care, HIV, Homosexual Marriage, Homosexual Rights, Human, Humans, Incest, Incest Exception, Issues, life, Life of the Mother, Life of the Mother Exception, Local Voter Guide, Manger, Marriage, Mayor, Menorah, Nativity, One Man-One Woman, Pastor Bryan Longworth, personhood, Personhood FL, Personhood Florida, planned parenthood, Planned Parenthood Funding, Pornographic, Pornography, Prayer, preborn, President, President of the United States, Primary Election, pro-life, Produce Voter Guide, prolife, Protect Human Life, rape, Rape Exception, Religions Freedom, Sex Ed, Sex Education, Sexual Education, Tax Funding of Abortion, Taxes, Taxpayer Funding, Values, Volunteer, Volunteer Call, Vote Values, Vote Your Values, Voter Guide, Zoning, Zoning Laws
Jan 19
Don’t Miss The Upcoming Sanctity of Human Life Week Events in Your Area
- By Pastor Bryan Longworth in Abortion, Abortion Pill, Adoption, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, Black Genocide, Broward, Cloning, Defund Planned Parenthood, Duval County, Events, Family, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Fetal Tissue Research, Florida, Government, Hillsborough County, Human Trafficking, Incest, Issues, Marriage, News, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Personhood Petitioning, Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood Funding, Prayer, Prayer, ProLife, Rally, Rape, Reformation, Repentance, Revival, RU-486, Saint Lucie County, Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, Selling Baby Parts, Tax Funding, United States of America, Walk for Life
January 22, 2018, marks the 45th anniversary of the dreadful Roe v Wade decision that has resulted in the slaughter of over 65,000,000 preborn baby girls and boys in America. Many Floridians will take part in the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. There are several events throughout Florida though where prolifers will gather …
- 9 Days for Life, A Jacksonville Women's Health Center, A Woman's World Medical Center, abortion, Abortion Clinic, Abortion Mill, AJAX, Bob McDuffie, Broward County, Catholic Conference of Bishops, Charlotte County, Church, Confession, Confessions, Duval County, Enjoy and Defend Life Days, FL, Florida, Florida Family Policy Council, Fort Pierce, Fort Pierce City Hall, Ft. Pierce, Hillsborough County, Life Chain, march for life, Mass, Novena, Orange County, Orlando, Orlando City Hall, Pastor Bryan Longworth, personhood, Personhood FL, Personhood Florida, planned parenthood, Prayer Breakfast, prayer vigils, Pro-Family Days, pro-life, Pro-Life Youth Rally, prolife, respect life, Roe, Roe v Wade, Roe vs Wade, Saint Lucie County, sanctity of human life, Sanctity of Human Life Celebration, Sanctity of Human Life of the Treasure Coast, Sanctity of Human Life Prayer Breakfast, SOHLTC, St Lucie County, St. Clement Catholic Church, Stand for Life Jacksonville, Tampa, Tampa Bay, Tampa Bay Pro-Life Youth Rally, Treasure Coast, Treasure Coast March for Life, US Catholic Conference of Bishops, Walk for Life at St. Clement, Wilton Manors, Women's Choice of Jacksonville
Dec 29
Will You Help Defend Life?
- By Pastor Bryan Longworth in Abortion, Florida, Government, Issues, Kitti Hataway, Prayer, Reformation, Repentance, Revival, United States of America
As we come to the close of 2017, we look back on some astounding changes in our nation and forward with optimism that there is a window of opportunity to help bring a shift in our culture to one of ‘enjoying and defending life’ as expressed in our Florida constitution. For those of you who …
- 2 Chronicles 7:14, abortion, Ballot, Constitutional Revision Commission, CRC, Enjoy and Defend Life, FL, FL Constitution, FL Supreme Court, Florida, Florida Constitution, II Chronicles 7:14, MAGA, Make America Great Again, NSA, Obama, personhood, Personhood FL, Personhood Florida, Privacy, Privacy Amendment Petition, pro-life, prolife, Right of Privacy, Right to Privacy, Roe v Wade, Spy, Spying, US Constitution, US Supreme Court
Dec 25
Did You Know that the Christmas Story is a ProLife Story?
Did you know that the Christmas story is a prolife story? Well, it is! Consider this: In the Christmas story, we see two miraculous conceptions! The first was of John the Baptist who was conceived by Elizabeth who was previously barren and was so far advanced in age that her husband Zacharias didn’t believe the message …
- abortion, Babe, baby, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Christmas, Christmas Story, Conception, Covenant Tabernacle, Elizabeth, Gabriel, god, Holy Spirit, Jesus, John the Baptist, Message, Pastor Bryan Longworth, personhood, Personhood FL, Personhood Florida, prolife, Prophecy, sermon, the Virgin Mary, Virgin, Virgin Birth, Virgin Mary, Womb, Zacharias
Oct 24
Help Weaken the Legal Argument for Abortion in FL
- By Pastor Bryan Longworth in Abortion, Abortion Pill, Family, Florida, Government, Issues, Marriage, News, Pastor Bryan Longworth, ProLife, RU-486, United States of America
You’ve probably heard about the right of privacy. The right of privacy is not in the US Constitution, but the US Supreme Court actually invented the right through a series of court cases leading up to Roe v Wade and used it to justify that dreadful decision that has resulted in the death of over …
- abortion, Ballot, Constitutional Revision Commission, CRC, FL, FL Constitution, FL Supreme Court, Florida, Florida Constitution, NSA, Obama, personhood, Personhood FL, Personhood Florida, Privacy, Privacy Amendment Petition, pro-life, prolife, Right of Privacy, Right to Privacy, Roe v Wade, Spy, Spying, US Constitution, US Supreme Court
Sep 19
Can You Join Me Tonight to Learn How You Can Defend Life in Florida?
- By Pastor Bryan Longworth in Abortion, Events, Facebook Live Video, Family, Florida, Government, Issues, Marriage, News, Pastor Bryan Longworth, United States of America
Can you join me tonight to learn how you can defend life in Florida? I’ll share a new strategy that will weaken the legal position of abortion in Florida and help us move toward the day when every innocent human life is protected. Please join me tonight, Tuesday, September 19 from 9:00 – 10:00 pm EST …
Apr 03
Choices Women’s Clinic’s Walk for Life Saturday April 8, 2017
- By Pastor Bryan Longworth in Abortion, Abstinence, Adoption, Events, Family, Issues, Marriage, ProLife, Walk for Life
Don’t miss Choices Women’s Clinic’s Walk for Life Saturday April 8, 2017. Come out and support this ministry that is helping women and children in unplanned pregnancies. What: Choices Women’s Clinic Walk for Life Saturday April 8, 2017 Date: Saturday, April 8, 2017 Time: 9:00 – 10:30 am Where: Blue Jacket Park in Baldwin Park, …
- Baldwin Park, Blue Jacket Park, Champion of Life, Champion of Life Award, Change Our City, Choices Ministries, Choices Women's Clinic, Church, Crisis Pregnancies, Face Painting, FL, Florida, Food Trucks, Join the Movement, Live Music, Orange County, Orlando, True Life Choices, Unplanned Pregnancies, Walk for Life
Mar 13
Help Personhood FL Impact FL’s State Legislature!
- By Pastor Bryan Longworth in Abortion, Abortion Pill, Abstinence, Adoption, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, Black Genocide, Cloning, Defund Planned Parenthood, Events, Family, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Fetal Tissue Research, FL House, Florida, Government, Graphic Sex Ed, Incest, Issues, John Stemberger, Kitti Hataway, Lobbying, Marriage, News, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Personhood Petition, Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood Funding, Prayer, Prayer, Rape, Reformation, Repentance, Revival, RU-486, Selling Baby Parts, Statutory Rape Cover Up, Tax Funding, Wanda Kohn
Personhood Florida will be in Tallahassee today, Monday, March 13 – 15. We’ll be meeting with legislators from all political persuasions and urging them to protect life without exception. If you are able to do so, please register today so that we can get you plugged into the meetings. You can help Personhood FL make …
- abortion, Defund Planned Parenthood, Disabled, Donation, Euthanasia, Florida Family Policy Council, Gay Marriage, Governor Rick Scott, Homosexual, Human Life, Human Life Amendment, Husband, John Stemberger, Marriage Amendment, Mercy Killing, Pastor Bryan Longworth, personhood, personhood amendment, Personhood FL, Personhood Florida Education, Petition to Defund Planned Parenthood, planned parenthood, pro-life, prolife, sanctity of human life, Wife
Feb 10
De-Fund Planned Parenthood Rallies Scheduled for February 11
- By Pastor Bryan Longworth in Abortion, Defund Planned Parenthood, Events, Florida, Government, Hillsborough County, Issues, Orange County, Picket, Pinellas County, Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood Funding, ProLife, Saint Lucie County, Selling Baby Parts, Tax Funding, United States of America
Florida De-Fund PP Nationwide Rally Locations On February 11, 2017, rallies will be held at Planned Parenthood locations throughout the United States and Florida (including Boca Raton, Fort Myers, Kissimmee, Miami, Naples, Orlando, Pembroke Pines, Sarasota, St. Petersburg, Stuart, Tallahassee, and Tampa) to call on Congress and President Trump to strip Planned Parenthood of all …
Feb 09
Join Personhood Florida in Tallahassee March 13 – 15 for Enjoy and Defend Life Days
- By Pastor Bryan Longworth in Abortion, Abortion Pill, Abstinence, Adoption, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, Black Genocide, Cloning, Defund Planned Parenthood, Events, Family, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Fetal Tissue Research, FL House, FL Senate, Florida, Government, Governor, Graphic Sex Ed, Incest, Issues, John Stemberger, Kitti Hataway, Lobbying, Marriage, News, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Personhood Petition, Personhood Petitioning, Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood Funding, Prayer, Prayer, ProLife, Rape, RU-486, Selling Baby Parts, Statutory Rape Cover Up, Tax Funding, United States of America, Wanda Kohn
Join Personhood Florida’s Enjoy and Defend Life Days with Florida Family Policy Council’s Pro-Family Days Florida Capitol, Tallahassee March 13 – 15, 2017 (The 15th is optional.) Personhood Florida will be in Tallahassee, FL March 13 – 15, 2017 to call our FL senators and representatives to defend all innocent human life without exception! We …
- abortion, Defund Planned Parenthood, Disabled, Donation, Euthanasia, Florida Family Policy Council, Gay Marriage, Governor Rick Scott, Homosexual, Human Life, Human Life Amendment, Husband, John Stemberger, Marriage Amendment, Mercy Killing, Pastor Bryan Longworth, personhood, personhood amendment, Personhood FL, Personhood Florida Education, Petition to Defund Planned Parenthood, planned parenthood, pro-life, prolife, sanctity of human life, Wife
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