Tag: End Abortion NOW

Happy Thanksgiving from Personhood Florida

ProLife Personhood Petitioning Vero Beach Prayer Breakfast

This is the time of year when we pause to give thanks to God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us. Let us rejoice that our mothers chose life! God has given us the opportunity to live and the responsibility to work so that all may live free!

When I think about what Personhood Florida has been able to accomplish in the past year, I thank God! In the past two years:

We have developed connections with prolife people across the

Is Your County One of the Most ProLife Counties in Florida?

PreBorn Baby 8 Week Gestation

Volunteers recently helped Personhood FL sort petitions received. The petitions came from counties across the State of Florida and covered every region of the state! Of the petitions sorted, … County was the most prolife county, having submitted the most petitions followed by … and … Counties. Volunteers continue working to sort additional petitions received, and we expect to add other counties to the list of Most ProLife Counties.

Is your county one of the Most ProLife Counties in Florida?