This is what we will be doing in Fort Pierce on the IRSC campus on October 23-24th. Dan Becker, the president of Georgia Right to Life will be coming to train us. The first day will be training for the pro-life students with time to role play and practice. The second day will be an outreach to the campus students by the students that have been trained.
Tag: personhood
Jun 20
Will You Defend Life, that We may have Liberty?
Today I have given you the choice between Life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!” Deuteronomy 30:19.
The care of human life and happiness … is the first and only legitimate object of good government. ~ Thomas Jefferson
Apr 10
Don’t Miss October Baby, In Theaters Now, New Theaters April 13
October Baby presents the prolife message in a way that grips the heart and soul and offers healing and forgiveness to those who have been involved in abortion. October Baby has taken the movie industry by storm, opening in the top ten and continues to run strong in theaters across America and Florida and is opening in new theaters Friday, April 13!
“I had the privilege of watching October Baby at last year’s Care Net Conference in Orlando. I can tell you that it is the most powerful prolife movie I have ever seen and second only to The Passion among all movies I’ve seen. When you watch October Baby, you will laugh; you will cry; you will be challenged on the value of every human life. You don’t want to miss October Baby.” – Pastor Bryan Longworth, Director, Personhood Florida.
Mar 23
Don’t Miss October Baby, In Theaters Friday March 23
I had the privilege of watching October Baby at last year’s Care Net Conference in Orlando. I can tell you that it is the most powerful prolife movie I have ever seen and second only to The Passion among all movies I’ve seen. When you watch October Baby, you will laugh; you will cry; you will be challenged on the worth of every human life. You don’t want to miss October Baby. – Pastor Bryan Longworth, Director, Personhood Florida.
October Baby, The Movie
“You saw me before I was born.” Psalm 139:16 (NLT)
As the curtain rises, Hannah hesitantly steps onto the stage for her theatrical debut in college. Yet before she can utter her first lines, Hannah — unscripted — collapses in front of the stunned audience.
Jan 24
Collect Personhood Petition Signatures at Republican Presidential Events
To get the new Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment on the ballot in 2014, we need to collect nearly 700,000 valid petition signed. To do that we need your help to petition among your family, friends, and neighbors, at your church, at Christian events, at political events, and at other public events, and with Republican Presidential candidates in Florida for the Presidential Preference Primary, prolifers have an excellent opportunity to collect signatures for the new Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition.
Jan 16
Martin Luther King, Jr Was ProLife! MLK’s Niece Supports Personhood!
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) was prolife reveals his niece, Dr. Alveda King. “In advising men and women on questions of personal behavior 50 years ago, Uncle Martin sounded no different than a conservative Christian preacher does now,” said Dr. King. “He was pro-life, pro-abstinence before marriage, and based his views on the unchanging Word of the Bible.” Alveda King continues MLK’s prolife legacy by defending the right to life of all innocent humans, including the unborn, elderly, and disabled and compares abortion to slavery.
Dec 22
Merry Christmas from Personhood FL, Every Baby is a Gift from God
At this time of year, we remember the Christ child. Conceived by an unwed young girl and born in a lowly manger, the circumstances of his conception and birth could easily be described a crisis pregnancy, yet Jesus was and is the greatest gift of all.
Every child is a gift from God, regardless the circumstances surround her conception and birth. While not every child is planned or comes under perfect circumstances, every child is a blessing, for every child bears God’s image reminding us of how valuable we are to Him! How His heart must break when we despise His gift and seek abortion to kill the precious gift of God in the womb.
Our founding fathers recognized that “all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights among which are life
Dec 14
Help Us Print and Distribute the New Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition!
Personhood FL has launched a new prolife petition called the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment, and we need your help to print and distribute it. Will you volunteer to print and distribute copies of the petition to your family, friends, neighbors, church members, etc? Will your church print prolife petitions for their members to sign Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, January 22? Do you know a prolife printer who is willing to print large quantities of the petition at a reduced cost or no cost? Are you willing to donate to help Personhood FL print and distribute petitions to every county in Florida?
Everyone who previously signed the old Florida Personhood Amendment, will need to sign the new Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition. (Please sign the new petition in January.) If you donated your time, talents, and money to help with the old petition, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You helped us find over 20,000 prolife Floridians! We need your help now to help print and distribute the new petition. Can we count on your help?