Tag: Right to Life

ProLife Amendment Recomendations: Yes on Amendment 1 – No on Amendment 6

Personhood FL and Personhood FL ProLife PAC have taken a position on two proposed Florida constitutional amendments: Amendment 1 and Amendment 6. Personhood FL and Personhood FL ProLife PAC support Amendment 1 and oppose Amendment 6 for the reasons stated below.

Don’t Miss October Baby, In Theaters Now, New Theaters April 13

October Baby presents the prolife message in a way that grips the heart and soul and offers healing and forgiveness to those who have been involved in abortion. October Baby has taken the movie industry by storm, opening in the top ten and continues to run strong in theaters across America and Florida and is opening in new theaters Friday, April 13!

“I had the privilege of watching October Baby at last year’s Care Net Conference in Orlando. I can tell you that it is the most powerful prolife movie I have ever seen and second only to The Passion among all movies I’ve seen. When you watch October Baby, you will laugh; you will cry; you will be challenged on the value of every human life. You don’t want to miss October Baby.” – Pastor Bryan Longworth, Director, Personhood Florida.

Don’t Miss October Baby, In Theaters Friday March 23

October Baby In Theaters Friday March 23

I had the privilege of watching October Baby at last year’s Care Net Conference in Orlando. I can tell you that it is the most powerful prolife movie I have ever seen and second only to The Passion among all movies I’ve seen. When you watch October Baby, you will laugh; you will cry; you will be challenged on the worth of every human life. You don’t want to miss October Baby. – Pastor Bryan Longworth, Director, Personhood Florida.

October Baby, The Movie

“You saw me before I was born.” Psalm 139:16 (NLT)

As the curtain rises, Hannah hesitantly steps onto the stage for her theatrical debut in college. Yet before she can utter her first lines, Hannah — unscripted — collapses in front of the stunned audience.

Stand for Life at Florida Sanctity of Human Life Events

Treasure Coast March for Life 2011

Sunday, January 22, 2012 marks the 39th anniversary of the Dreadful Roe vs Wade decision. Since 1973, over 55,000,000 preborn girls and boys have been killed by abortion, and millions of moms and dads have been wounded. This weekend, prolifers from around the state will gather for prolife events, and pastors will preach prolife sermons. We encourage you to stand for life at the event closest to you and collect signatures for the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition.