Tag: Tony Perkins

Will You & Your Church Answer the Call 2 Fall?

Call 2 Fall Banner

Will You & Your Church Answer the Call 2 Fall? The Call 2 Fall Declaration comes straight from the pages of Scripture:

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins Endorses the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment

Tony Perkins, Family Research Council

Personhood Florida received a major endorsement this week from Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins. In his endorsement, Perkins said, “I applaud the good folks of Florida for challenging the culture of death and championing life at all stages. The Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment is a reflection of a growing pro-life sentiment across the country and points toward a post-Roe era. I support the petition drive for this amendment and look forward to the day it can go before the voters in Florida.”

This endorsement comes after Personhood FL adopted personhood amendment ballot language proposed by the Family Research Council. The new petition language has been designed by a think tank of prolife personhood attorneys and satisfies 11 conditions needed to unite prolife ministries. Adapting this language enables all states to come into unity anticipating and facilitating a federal prolife personhood amendment.