Tag: Vote

Will You Join Me Petitioning at the Polls on Election Day?

Christopher Bradley and Pastor Bryan Longworth

My name is Christopher Bradley, and in the last few months, I’ve collected thousands of signatures for The Right to Life of All Persons Recognized and Protected Amendment Petition. I’ve petitioned at Trump rallies, other political events, in churches, and at prolife events, and I’ll be petitioning at the polls on election day, Tuesday, November …

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We Need You to Help Voters Vote Their Values!

In 2020, we will elect candidates for everything from congressmen and senators to county commissioners and city council members. The problem is that many times voters don’t know where the candidates stand on important issues such as life, marriage, family, and religious freedom. Consequently, voters vote for candidates who don’t share their values. Shouldn’t voters …

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We Need You to Help Voters Vote Their Values!

Local Voter Guide

In 2018, we will elect candidates for everything from congressmen and senators to county commissioners and city council members. The problem is that many times voters don’t know where the candidates stand on important issues such as life, marriage, family, and religious freedom. Consequently, voters vote for candidates who don’t share their values. Shouldn’t voters …

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Will You Pray for America? Will You Pray for Revival and Reformation? Will You Pray for Personhood Florida?

A Prayer for Our Nation

Our task is great. The media, the courts, and our government stand against us. To succeed, we must receive God’s supernatural blessing to move the hearts of his people, his pastors, our state, and our nation to end abortion and protect all innocent human life. We need a spirit of repentance! We need revival! We need reformation! And these are birthed in prayer. Will you pray for revival and reformation? Will you pray for our nation? Will you pray for another great awakening? Will you pray for Personhood Florida?

We will not give up! We Will End Abortion! Will You Help?

Yes on 26 Life Begins as Fertilization Amendment

With the loss of Mississippi’s Initiative 26, many in the prolife movement and the media have asked what is our strategy here in Florida. They are quick to point out that Mississippi is more prolife than Florida and ask how we think we can win if a similar initiative can’t even pass in Mississippi.
The good news is that leading up to and following the Mississippi vote, Personhood FL has linked up with new volunteers who are willing to help make the case for life in their county! We currently are working on a plan to